zCCDHH 2021


2020-2021 Topic: “Healing the World with Optimism”

The GATEway District is very proud of our Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Ten years ago we were lucky if we had three participants in the contest. Three years ago nineteen young people entered the contest. We now have divided the District into five areas. Each area has a contest and enters two [signing and oral] winners in the District Contest. Optimist leaders and teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing have and continue to work and support programs that will enhance the lives of the young people.

If you know of someone who would like to enter the CCDHH program please call me:

Ellen Strait• [c] 478-957-5960 [h] 478-922-3611 • E-mail – straitl@cox.net

The area contests are usually held in March and this year the District Contest will be held April 2021 at the 3rd Quarter District Conference. 

Fees:  The winning entry from each club must be accompanied by an entry fee check in the amount of Thirty-five dollars ($35), made payable to Gateway District, Optimist International. This fee applies to ALL winning entries advancing to another level of competition. These fees are normally paid by the sponsoring club. 

Online Info: Planning Guide, application, and contest rules can be accessed: click on this link to the OI website

Download: the Application and Contest Rules form. 


“GATEway Optimists Bringing Out the BEST and Providing a Brighter Tomorrow For the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Youth of OUR District”