Be a District Leader

Opportunities for Leadership

There are many ways to serve in the District. Review the opportunities for Optimist members and club officers to help shape the programs and services offered at the state level.   Click here to view district leadership positions.

The GATEway District realizes that its success is driven by its membership, and we are proud that a large percentage of our members currently serve in leadership capacities within the district and at Optimist International. We also understand that if more members are actively engaged in the organization, Optimist International’s policies and decisions will reflect more closely the views of our members.

Typically, members are involved in a progression that often begins with service as a club officer, lieutenant-governor, district committee, committee chair, and special appointments.  We encourage you to consider becoming a leader among leaders by volunteering your time and energy to advancing our mission to “Bring Out the Best in Kids”.    There is no better time than now to disclose your interest in district opportunities.  

District Interest Form

  • In space above write in the name of the District Office that interests you.
    Choose all offices you have served or are presently serving.

After serving at the district level,  members will then have the service experience to be selected for placement on the ballot for the elected position of District Governor. The Candidate Qualifications Committee is comprised of senior leadership in the organization and is actively seeking nominees for this office..



Are you ready to be a future Governor of the GATEway District?

Our Candidate Qualifications committee is currently seeking candidates for the office of Governor-Elect. To be eligible you must be a member of a Club in good standing and should have served all of a term of Club President.

For information about the duties and responsibilities of the office, please review the documents:




For an interview, fill in the attached form and mail or email to Gerald Johnson, CQ Chair at

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