Georgia Convention Training Agenda

Georgia District Optimist International
66th Annual District ConventionAugust 2-4, 2013
Georgia Optimists:
Make your plans to attend the District Convention in Sea Palms – there will be plenty of Optimist Training andFellowship. 
For the Convention agenda, click here.

President-Elect Online Training – Get Started Early!  
If you are a Club President-Elect, there is an online training course that you should take before you get to Sea Palms.
Being a successful Club President has never been easier! The course has been designed as an easy to follow, step by step program to sharpen leadership skills and provide the necessary tools to be an effective leader.
The training can be accessed by visiting You will need to create a user profile and then get started with the training. The course does not have to be completed all at once and should only take one to two hours. Club Presidents will receive a leadership certificate to recognize their completion of the program.


Author: Albert Still

Past Governor 2020-2021

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