Membership Growth
Membership Chair: Albert Still:
We are excited to tell you about how New Members will be handled going forward and share our new Membership Engagement – New Members Guide, designed to help you welcome new members to your Optimist Club. This guide is packed with helpful information and resources: How to host a formal yet friendly new member induction, making new members feel special and welcomed from the start. How to provide a packet to educate new members about processes for distributing items such as pins and certificates. The importance of assigning a mentor — pair new members with experienced club members to jumpstart their Optimist journey. Ways to encourage immediate involvement in club activities and events. How to hold an annual C.A.R.E. program and incorporate new member feedback to improve their engagement. When a New Member is added, they are automatically emailed a “Welcome New Member Magazine,” including a presidential welcome letter and other important information. An email will be sent to the club’s President and Secretary containing a new member kit. The kit includes the Optimist Creed, Purposes of the Optimist Club, Core Values Statement and Member Certificate — all sized to be printed on an 8.5 x 11 piece of certificate paper. Each Club will be able to order New Member pins from Optimist International. An order form is available at this link. The number of pins you receive will be based on the number of new members that your Club has brought in over the past two years. You can order more as you need them at no cost to the Club. Sponsor recognition pins will continue to be mailed from Optimist International. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Click the buttons below to download attachments: |
Membership Engagement Guide |
New Member Magazine |
Member Kit (Purposes) |
Member Kit (Creed) |
Member Kit (Values) |