Holiday Message From The District Governor

Holiday Message from the Governor

To all of the Optimist Members and Friends of the GATEway District,

It is during this time of the year that my wife and I take great joy in helping our community and the kids in our community.

While my wife and I strive year around to live up to the tenants of the Optimist Creed, this time of the year brings forth our passion for the kids and community.

During this season, we enjoy the fun, fellowship, and work with family, friends, and the Optimists of the district. It is, also, for us a time of remembrance of those that have come before us in our personal lives and in the lives we share with you. I ask you at this time, to remember those Optimists that built the two great districts from which this district, the GATEway District, was formed. Their spirit and passion to help the kids and their communities cannot and should not be forgotten for they have laid the groundwork for us.

Thank you for all the numerous things that you have done over the past year as an Optimist and in the name of the Optimist Clubs you belong to. They are so plentiful I could not even start to name them all.

As we look forward into the New Year and all the challenges that it may bring, let us not forget the present we live in. May you find hope, happiness, and the Optimist spirit to continue our passion and work for those that need it more now than ever before.

I pray this message finds all of you in good health, with an optimistic spirit, and with family in fun and fellowship.

Laura and I look forward to working with you this year.

Yours in Optimism and Sincerely,

Tony and Laura Bell

Governor and First Lady, GATEway District

Author: Albert Still

Past Governor 2020-2021

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