Our Pride and JOI

The Junior Optimist International (JOI) Clubs in Georgia and Tennessee are an inspiration in the truest sense of the word. Their members are enhancing almost every aspect of their communities and their enthusiasm is contagious. So many projects have been accomplished and so many more on their way.

With over 400 members, JOOI Club members are all across the GATEway District and are constantly working to promote positive change.

Click here to see District JOOI Web Site.



Chloe Sparwath, 2015-16 Governor

I am a sophomore in high school and a member of the JOOI club at my school. Since I joined, the club has changed my life for the better. Meeting new friends as well as planning and participating in service projects have been just a few of the benefits I have taken from JOOI.

First, my school’s JOOI club grew immensely in size and spirit this past year. The 2014-2015 school year was full of “JOOI” in our club.Of course, we will continue to scout for new members and projects in our community. We are looking forward to this school year and all the great things it will bring for our club!

As far as JOOI statewide, a main goal is to encourage and aid new JOOI clubs to get started. In addition to raising the amount of clubs in our state, adding new members to the state board is also something to work for. Overall this year the board aims to spread enthusiasm for JOOI club in existing clubs across the state and build relations with different charities / organizations to expand the ability and influence of JOOI club.


Kerrington Witherspoon, 2015-16 Governor-Elect

I am 15 and will be a sophomore at my high school where I am the sophomore class VP. I run cross country and track and I’m the Senior Patrol Leader at my local Boy Scout Troop. I love being in JOOI and I’m very excited about the 2015-16 JOOI year!

This year will be great because of new ideas I was introduced to at the International JOOI convention. I plan to share those ideas with Georgia and Tennessee JOOI clubs. While a district officer, I really want to focus on club and member growth so we can help more and more communities!

Emily Siremily_sirmansmans, 2015-16 Secretary

I have had a passion for JOOI over the past 3 years. Every year I have become more involved in my high school JOOI club. I have always believed in pushing yourself above and beyond. In my sophomore year of high school, I became publicist of my JOOI club. Now as a junior I am club president and on my way to starting a new JOOI club! I am 16 years old and believe with every passing year we must improve. I expect great things to come from this board. I don’t believe that we encounter great opportunities like this every day. I took my opportunity and became the secretary of the Georgia district board. I have experienced the excitement of JOOI from more places and more hearts than I can ever tell you about. I have seen the miracle of JOOI and the way it has affected every part of the world. If we can be one small part then we can be everything. I see JOOI not as a club but as a lifestyle and commitment too bettering our communities and helping children that we will never know, never meet, but surely love. I got to go to the JOOI International Convention this year in New Orleans, Louisiana and from then on I have found my undying passion for JOOI.

My JOOI goal is to create more JOOI clubs in my community — also to have more organizers and fundraisers. I hope this JOOI year is filled with great progress that I get to participate in. My goal for JOOI is to see more leaders, see more passion, and ignite more change. We are the future and I want to make sure our JOOI future is bright.

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