30 Days of Optimism Raffle

You can be the winner of $300 or more in the first GATEway District “30 Days of Optimism” Raffle!

The 30 Days of Optimism Raffle is the first major fund raiser ever run for the GATEway Optimists. Tickets are $30.00 each, and only 1,000 tickets will be sold. Each day from April 1, 2018 thru April 30, 2018 a lucky ticket holder becomes the winner of a $300 cash prize. Every ticket provides the holder with 30 chances to win, and there are no rules against being able to win multiple times. With several chances to win you are in the raffle at $1/day!
For the month of April, 2018 go to Georgia Lottery Results and go to the Georgia Cash3 Evening 6:59 drawing each day. If your number matches the number drawn that day, at that drawing time, you are a winner! Also, you may go to our website www.gatewayoptimists.org where you will find the previous days’ winning numbers.

Purchase your tickets today!

Please download and read the complete raffle rules, click:  GATEway Fund Raiser Rules
For an informational flyer, click:  GATEway Fund Raiser Flyer
For instructions on how to purchase a raffle ticket, see below, or click: GATEway Fund Raiser How to Purchase


How to Purchase a Raffle Ticket

  1. Go to our website www.gatewayoptimists.org
  2. On the menu bar find and click on RAFFLE TICKET PURCHASE”
  3. Read instructions on this page and on the bottom of the page enter your 3 digit number then click on Submit
  4. On the next page your number is displayed in the box.  Click Add to Cart
  5. If a message appears “You cannot add that amount of “Ticket # 358” to the cart because there is not enough stock (0 remaining)” Return to #2 and choose another number.
  6. If your number is accepted you will get a message “Ticket #358 has been added to your cart”
  7. If you wish to purchase additional tickets, select Raffle Ticket Purchase
  8. When you are ready to complete your transaction, click on View Cart.
  9. The contents of your cart are displayed and if correct, click on Proceed to Checkout
  10. Fill in the blanks for name, address, phone and email address. Then select your payment method. Under “Company”, enter the club name or club number that you are supporting. When complete, click on Place Order
  11. You will receive an email confirming your order. When the payment is complete (either by PayPal or when your check is received by the Treasurer), you will receive an email notifying you that the transaction is “Complete”. Included in that email is a link to download a copy of your raffle ticket.

Thank you for purchasing a ticket!






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