zAchievements & Awards 2024

A&A: Achievements and Awards

Gateway District

2023-2024 Optimist Year

Committee Chair: Amy Myers

                                106 Percheron Drive, Canton, GA  30114


Cell:                        404-276-3788

The Achievements and Awards report is a friendly competition between Clubs in the GATEway District, but it is also a very useful tool to help track your Club’s progress throughout the Optimist year.  By updating and submitting the report each quarter, you will have a living record of your Club’s projects, programs, and growth. This report will be very handy when completing your Club Pride Report, tracking your Honor or Distinguished Club progress, and as a reminder to file your Club’s IRS 990 or 990 EZ form.

Each quarter you need simply fill in the number of points you have earned in each category. Use the yellow boxes only. The report is an Excel spreadsheet and is formatted to do all of the math for you. Simply save the report after each entry and forward a copy of it to me prior to each quarterly deadline at the email above.

The POINTS column shows how many points your Club is eligible to receive for each entry or quarter. The MAXIMUM POINTS PER YEAR column shows the maximum number (if any) a Club may accumulate during the 2023-2024 Optimist Year (October 1, 2023-September 30, 2024). For the purposes of the Achievements & Awards (A&A) Report, ongoing Club projects may only be reported once per year. For example, if your Club participates in a Litter Prevention program and picks up roadside trash each month, that will count as one project the first time you enter it. It cannot be listed in subsequent quarters.

Please note that this report contains TWO tabs at the bottom. The Project and Programs tab is where you will record the details of each the projects and programs your Club holds. (This will serve as a handy reference at year end when completing your Club Pride Report.)

Contest Deadlines:      1st Quarter: January 15, 2024

                                               2nd Quarter: April 15, 2024

                                               3rd Quarter: July 15, 2024

                                               4th Quarter: October 15, 2024



If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call or send an email; I will be happy to be of assistance.