zAtlanta-Buckhead Optimist

Kevin Walsh, Buckhead Optimist Jim Haverstick, Buckhead Optimist Katie Dillion, Buckhead

“…Welcome to the Buckhead Club. Come and join us as we make differences, not only in the youtth we are helping but amongst ourselves as well. We have speakers every Friday who will enlighten you with their unique messages…”  – Jim Haverstick

Some Recent Club Events:

  • Going to the airport and greeting overseas troops coming home for some R&R or rotating back to the U.S.
  • Working with Brookhaven Boys and Girls Club.
  • Working with the Simon Youth Foundation, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, the transitional Housing Project, the Truancy Intervention Program, and various youth oriented programs.

Buckhead OptimistsMeetings:

We meet every Friday morning between 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM at the Wing Factory in Chastain Shopping Center in Atlanta Georgia.

Contact Information:

Mac Sams : 404-252-9301

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