Win a Scholarship in Public Speaking!


Topic:  “Discovering the Optimism within Me”

District Contest Chair: Richard Bracknell  

                                                     Phone: 770 314 2425

Congratulations to our international winner! The Seventh Annual Optimist International World Championships took place at St. Louis University on July 21-22, 2022. Samiksha Gaherwar participated in the contest as the Oratorical winner from the GATEway District. Samiksha graduated from Lambert High School in Suwanee, Georgia and was the Valedictorian. She plans to attend Princeton University. She has been participating the the oratorical contest for 8 years.

The Oratorical Contest last year in the GATEway District was a near record winner with more clubs and contestants. It was an event that showed hope in our youth and dedication in our clubs. We look forward to yet a better contest this year.  Our goal is to have 40 Clubs participate this year. Start now preparing for your club to send two contestants (gender neutral) up the “Oratorical Ladder” with the opportunity to win $22,500 in scholarships.  Look to the District announcements for information and come to the District meetings to gather insight, suggestions, and hear of the joy of doing this for our kids!  

The deadlines for the contest are: 

Local Club contest winners received by the Lt. Governors:  March 3, 2023

Zone contest:  March 24, 2023

Area contest: April 8, 2023

District Contest:  April 22, 2023

Again, we look forward, WITH YOUR HELP, having another record breaking year in both participants and clubs.  

The contest is open to students under the age of 19 by October 1, 2022. Students must enter in the District in which they reside.

Your next step?   Online Info: Planning Guide, application, and contest rules can be accessed: click on this link to the OI website.

Download: the Application and Contest Rules form, click here.

Recognize Someone Who “Lives The Creed”

“Living The Creed”

This year is the 100th Anniversary of the Optimist Creed.
To honor this event our District is encouraging
clubs to recognize citizens in their communities
that “Live The Creed” in their everyday life and
in service to their communities.
There are no specific requirements for this
award. The individual club should pick those
they wish to honor. Clubs may honor Optimist
members or non-members, or both. There also
are no limits to the number of awards a club
may award.
Just pick the person to receive the award, you
may send the names to Governor Gerald and he
will print them and return to you. 770-437-0000.