Club Fitness

Club Fitness Chair and Team


Help Clubs and Lieutenant Governors with Retention, Stability and Growth throughout the year.


Connect Clubs with OI and District resources that can build strength and stability. These resources are found in abundance on the OI and District websites.

Work with Club Leadership to develop specific plans for improving club administration, enhancing Club programs and meetings, and creating positive Growth and Retention programs.

Promote participation in OI and District Programs. Promote attendance at Conferences and Conventions.

Educate/Train Club Leaders in the use of the Optimist Leaders Website reports (COER, President’s Pride, etc.) & tools (Scoreboard, Aging Reports, etc.) and the District A&A Reports.

Work closely with the Lt. Governors and District Leadership to identify clubs who are on a trajectory toward decline. At some point these clubs will be in danger of revocation or disbandment. Recommend actions and remedies that are solution oriented. Signs of trouble include:

  • Any club with 20 or fewer members.
  • Does not participate in Optimist student contests or programs.
  • Stagnant or declining membership with few, if any, new members ever added.
  • Club Officers stay the same year after year.
  • IO and District dues are not paid in a timely manner.
  • Club meetings lack organization and purpose. Banners are not displayed and Creed is not recited.
Chair Contact Information

Scott Moody
20 Doncaster Drive, NE
Rome, GA 30161