Make note of our state wide events and activities that all of our clubs will simultaneously participate in along with so many other volunteers from communities all across Georgia. Mark them on your calendars, join us, and let your Optimist pride and help show itself. As always, the themes of our state wide events and activities will always fall under one of our SCOPE categories below.
We invite you to sponsor any one of our statewide events. All our statewide events are coordinated through the Georgia District Leadership and occur on a regular basis.
With over 70 clubs and nearly 2000 volunteers conducting community events throughout Georgia, corporations like yours will be able to not only do their part in ensuring Georgia’s greatest future, but also help in projects across our state making better communities, better children, and better citizens.
As a Georgia Optimist Event Sponsor, you will receive:
- Exposure in Georgia Optimist District Website
- Sponsor of one entire Web Page on the Georgia District site.
- Brand presence in all Georgia Optimist marketing literature; both in the District’s material and the 70+ Clubs materials.
- Banner with your organizations logo at all District Conferences and Meetings
- Proper mention in all Georgia Optimists, post-event, public relation efforts
- Strong mention in all of the Georgia Optimists social media channels
- Video & Media commercial showing partnership to be distributed via all Georgia Districts channels
- Public relation piece exclusively on your organization, including your company’s promotions, in Georgia Optimist Monthly newsletter
- And much more…
We have begun our Optimistic efforts to approach the following companies in our state. We are looking forward to working with you! Your organizations support will make Georgians, its youth, and our states future that much brighter!
For further information please contact the District Golf Tournament Committee:
Russ Thomas,
Camilla Callis,
Tommy Brumbeloe,
Butch Lawson,
Tony Bell,