Southside Optimist Club Donates to P.A.C.K. Savannah

Recently Southside Optimist Club of Savannah donated $250.00 to P.A.C.K. (people of action caring for kids) which is located locally on 4 Mall Terrace in Savannah. Southside Club president Wayne Ervin, as seen in the picture, is giving P.A.C.K. coordinator Malena Stone a check for $250.00 to assist in the charity’s continued operation of providin…

2017 “Big John” Ware Optimist of the Year

We are proud to introduce the 2017 "Big John" Ware Optimist of the Year Mr. Howard Shames. A member of the Forsyth-Cumming Optimist Club, Howard is a dynamo of energy and ideas. An Optimist for a little over three years, He has utilized his experience as a former corporate CEO to help his club as well as others increase their efficiency and …
GATEway Optimists