Hope 4 Kids Optimist Club Chartered in September!

The Hope 4 Kids Optimist Club was formed by concerned members of the Loganville, Youth, Monroe, Walton County and Covington communities when they heard about the increasing number of foster children and their needs. The club will initially work with the Uniting Hope 4 Children (UH4C), a non-profit organization that recruits foster families and places foster children. The club is sponsored by the Tucker Optimist Club and the YaYa Xpress Optimist Club.

From left to right: Lt. Governor Charlie Romano, Governor Mary Still, Charter Club Secretary-Treasurer Wake Bailey, Charter Club President Beth Reed


The club participated in their first service project by helping with the UH4C Fall Festival for the children and families placed by the center. We next plan to help with the children’s wish list for Christmas. Plans are in the works for a movie night and a diaper drive.

Hunting and Fishing With the Kids in Forsyth County

On September 23, 2017,  the Forsyth-Cumming Optimist Club participated in the National Hunting and Fishing Event that is hosted by Kiwanis along with a host of other sponsors in the community.  Our Club has been participating and playing an intricate role in the event for numerous years.
The Buford Hatchery stocks the river below the Dam with over 2,500 Rainbow Trout just before the event begins in the morning.  Our club supplies bait and rods.  Fly tying, fishing demonstrations and volunteers are available to bait hooks and removing fish.  Hot Dogs and snacks were provided at no charge.
Attached is a picture of some of our esteemed Optimists showing off our new t-shirt that says “I’m with the Optimists”.  Kids were provided an Optimist T-Shirt free of Charge.