It’s going to be a GRAND SLAM as we swing for the bleachers at the GATEway District’s Third Quarter Conference at the Atlanta Marriott Alpharetta in Alpharetta, Georgia, May 5-7, 2017! Governor Rudy and his team have planned an “Out of the Park” extravaganza. Just look what’s in store for you!
• The District’s annual Communications C…
Category: Events
2nd Quarter 2017 District Conference
Put on your top hats - it’s time for some razzle dazzle at the GATEway District’s Second Quarter Conference at the historic Read House Hotel in Chattanooga, Tennessee, February 10-12, 2017
Dont’ miss this extravaganza! There’s going to be a lot of glitz and glam as Governor Rudy and his team bring us more fun and games, great training an…