We will be having a “Purse Snatching” for JOOI at Columbus.
For those of you not familiar with the concept. It works like this: Ladies from the district have donated purses to be set up and bid on at the conference. The purses will be placed on a table in the House of Optimism along with a bid sheet. You bid on the purse or purses you are interested in and on Sunday morning at breakfast we will announce the winners. It’s a great way to get a new purse and help out our JOOI clubs as well.
Purse Pins
What We Do:
- Fund two Club Grants annually for the Optimist International Foundation.
- Fund a girl’s oratorical scholarship in an Optimist District.
- Present a workshop related to women and giving at the Optimist International Convention.
- Main contacts with women who have an affinity for Optimist and its programs.
- Be available to discuss women’s giving concerns on a District, Zone, or Club level.
- Provide funds to Optimist International Foundation, which help support every international Program of OI.