2011-2012 Hall of Fame Awarded to Rose Kohler

article by David Jordan, Governor 2011-2012 Georgia District Optimist Member, if you missed Columbus District Conference, you missed the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. What an honor it is, to be inducted into our very own Hall of Fame. As stated by an application of Hall of Fame Inductee, β€œAt this present time, I know of no more deserving o…

Decatur-Southside DeKalb Optimist Club

Our club has served the youth of South DeKalb County for over 25 years. Our members work as a team and we continually evaluate our purpose and performance to ensure we meet the needs of both the community and our members. Our club was formed by the Conyers-Evening Optimist Club on September 29, 1986.  …
GATEway Optimists